Our Enrolments

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Our enrolments

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ISO 9001

Quality Certification

ISO Certification is very important. Choosing to have ISO 9001 certification, Fischer & Rechsteiner shows concretely to strive for total customers’ satisfaction, to optimize their production processes, to be prepared to handle the changes in the market, and to organize their own company to better respond to the expectations and to the requirements of its clients, containing the operating costs and developing the feeling inside the entire organizational structure that working within a continuous improvement can only have benefits for customers and thus for the entire company. (“Costumer satisfaction” questionnaires)

FIATA - Operatore Economico Autorizzato


Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés

To carry out the activity of international forwarder, above all for the sea traffics, a company must be enrolled in Fiata (Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés) established on 31st May 1926 and located in Zurich. Being individual member of Fiata and having given all the requested guarantees, Fischer & Rechsteiner can issue all the documents with Fiata mark accepted at the CCI – International Chamber of Commerce – (among which the FIATA FCR, FCT, FIATA Bill of Lading) internationally accepted by the banks to negotiate the credits. Fischer & Rechsteiner is directly member of FEDESPEDI (Federazione Nazionale delle Imprese di Spedizioni Internazionali) of Milan, the Italian emanation of FIATA.

Certificazione IATA - spedizione aerea


International Air Transport Association

International Air Transport Association is a trade association of the world-wide airlines handling regular air services, to which over 200 air carriers belong. The air transport industry has developed during the years through the Agents as intermediaries in the several marketplaces. A freight forwarder has traditionally provided the ideal link between the shipper and the airlines. Among other things, the Iata Agent can issue directly the Air Way Bills.

In order to obtain and mantain the accreditation as Iata Agent  and get the IATA CERTIFICATION it is necessary to have rigorous qualitative and quantitative requirements, such as qualified staff, financial parameters, adequate premises and equipments, compliance with national regulations.

The Iata code, complete of Cass code, of Fischer & Rechsteiner is 38.4.7268.001.3.

AEO - Operatore Economico Autorizzato


European Authorised Economic Operator Status - Customs Simplifications

The Authorized Economic Operator certification was introduced on 1st January 2008 further to the changes brought about by EC Regulations and is valid throughout the European Community. It can be applied to the economic operators who prove to be eligible in terms of reliability and security, since the Customs Authority verifies that customs obligations are fulfilled, accounting criteria are met and the operator is financially solvent. The AEO ( Authorized Economic Operator) status allow economic operators to benefit from direct or indirect advantages and facilitations when performing customs operations. In order to have the AEO status recognized, it is mandatory to apply  at the competent Customs Office for a specific audit. In other words, the AEO certification is an internationally recognized quality mark. Fischer & Rechsteiner obtained the Certificate AEO IT AEOC 10 0202 – from 4/02/2010.

Operatore Economico Autorizzato

Customs Administration

Fischer & Rechsteiner is accredited at the Customs Administration through the procedure of the indirect representation at the customs as per the inscription at the N. 15 dated 01.10.93 of the protocl register. In order to make the customs clearance service very fast and professional, our company also has the benefit of the Approved/Authorized Place institution which replaces the simplified declaration procedure provided for by the old customs legislation pursuant to art. 76, par.1, letter. c) of the CDC (so-called domiciled), with  Customs inspection operations at its Valmadrera terminal, both for export and import goods, as per authorization no. MI/181/SR then taken over by the new regulations of the Authorized Place.

Fischer & Rechsteiner also holds the authorization to operate at a Customs Warehouse/VAT Warehouse, also located in its Valmadrera customs terminal.

Logo confindustria


Confindustria is the main organization representing the manufacturing and services companies in Italy. Fischer & Rechsteiner is proud to join this association since 1976.

Albo nazionale autotrasporto


The road transportation activity in Italy is controlled by the rules issued by the Department of Transportation providing the compulsory enrolment of the transporters in a specific Register. The illegal activity of road transportation provide sanctions and penalties. In order to offer a more complete service to their customers, Fischer & Rechsteiner are not only forwarders but also haulagers contractors and transporters with their own trucks and trailers. Their enrolment number in the Register is CO/1450294/D.



The Como-Lecco Chamber of Commerce represents the economic interests of the Lake Como area, enhancing the special features of the Como and Lecco territories and considering civil society and consumers. The aim is to promote the entire area by supporting innovation, digitalisation, internationalisation, skills development and new businesses. 

Fischer & Rechsteiner is proud to be present in the authorised list of international forwarding agents with nr. 51 of 21/02/1958  

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